3D model of a beaded rim basin from Hauskirchen grave 13

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57756/264pkm
Publication date: 30 Jul 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Instrument: Artec Space Spider
Resource type: Dataset
Specimen: NHMW-PRAE 81.289
License: CC BY-NC
CC BY-NC 4.0 International
Tags: 3d model 3d-modell 3dscan 3d-scan 3dscanning 3d-scanning Basin Bitem Brass Hauskirchen
  • Austria
Chronology: Iron Age


3D scan of a beaded rim basin from Hauskirchen grave 13. It is made of brass and very poorly preserved. The basin has a wide base without standing ring, a tub-shaped vessel body and a horizontally projecting rim section with bosses pressed out from below. The semi-circular cracked base is held together by two strips of bronze sheet metal attached to the outside with bronze rivets sitting on the outer rims, on the floor and rising wall. Six other cracks are repaired by smaller bronze sheets with bronze rivets, two of which are attached on the outside and four on the inside. The horizontally everted rim is patched in two places by angled bronze sheets and bronze rivets from the outside, in two places also the somewhat repointed rim adjacent to the bosses. The maximum diameter is 42.9 cm and the height is 12.5 - 13.0 cm.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
Austrian Academy of Sciences go!digital 3.0 GD3.0_2021-17_bITEM Beyond the Item: Biographies and Itineraries of Cultural Heritage Objects in Museums and beyond


File Description Size
NHMW-PRAE-81289_highres.mtl High resolution 3D model (.MTL) of beaded rim basin 0 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81289_highres.obj High resolution 3D model (.OBJ) of beaded rim basin 37.45 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81289_highres_1.png High resolution 3D model (.PNG) of beaded rim basin 142.37 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81289_lowres.mtl Low resolution 3D model (.MTL) of beaded rim basin 0 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81289_lowres.obj Low resolution 3D model (.OBJ) of beaded rim basin 17.82 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81289_lowres_1.png Low resolution 3D model (.PNG) of beaded rim basin 59.36 MB



Picture of 3D model of a beaded rim basin
Picture of 3D model of a beaded rim basin

Beaded rim basin (NHMW-PRAE 81.289)