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Dataset to: Harzhauser & Krenn (2023): "The geological-paleontological collections of the Natural History Museum Vienna. An exhaustive evaluation of provenance context (1807 to 1918)"
Dataset to: Harzhauser et al. (2023): "'aus einem Trümmerhaufen des ausgebombten Hauses Wien III' – one century provenance context of the geological-paleontological collections in the Natural History Museum Vienna (1919 to 2019)"
We present an exhaustive survey of the geological-paleontological collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna (Austria) based on 353,704 objects acquired from 1919 to 2019. The data encompass information on geographic origin, ...
Datasets to Weinmann et al.: Spatial distribution and diversity of benthic shallow-water foraminifera from Corfu Island (Greece, Ionian Sea): An island at the range front of an invasive species
Corfu Island (Greece) is located in the northern Ionian Sea and exhibits unique and diverse marine coastal habitats suitable for high-diversity assemblages such as shallow-water foraminifera. The island also lies near the ...
MicroCT scan of a Southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus)
MicroCT (x-ray microcomputed tomography, YXLON FF35 CT) dataset of a southern three-banded armadillo or Azara's domed armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus) rolled fully up into a ball. The specimen is part of the mammal collection of the ...
Supplementary material to: Jovanovic-Kruspel, S. & Boomgaarden, A. (2023): "Dekorationsmalereien im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien: Kunsthistorische und restauratorische Betrachtungen"
This article focuses on a part of the artistic decoration of the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHMW) that has received little attention so far, namely decoration paintings. The painters who executed these works largely elude art ...
Dataset to: Yost et al. (2023): "New Decapoda (Anomura) from the Paleocene Kambühel Formation, Austria"
New decapod crustaceans from ?Selandian to Thanetian strata of the Kambühel Formation, Austria, include the paguroid Squamipelta insecta new genus and species, and two new galatheoid species, Protomunida kambuehelensis and ...
EMPA analysis of specimens NHMW-MIN-O1966 and O1968
Electron microscope data of spot analysis of the major phases in the investigated samples.
Dataset to: Miller et al. (2023): "New Decapoda (Brachyura) from the Paleocene Kambühel Formation, Austria"
New brachyuran species from the ?Selandian to Thanetian units of the Kambühel Formation include Dromiopsis bullamelga, Dromiopsis aedicula, and Braggicarpilius wanzenboecki. Four previously named brachyuran species are also ...
Dataset to: Pany-Kucera & Wiltschke-Schrotta (2023): "Die awarenzeitlichen Skelettreste (7.–8. Jh. n. Chr.) aus der archäologischen Grabung in Bruckneudorf (Burgenland), Fundstelle 1A"
Diese Arbeit präsentiert die Basisdaten aus den anthropologischen Untersuchungen der Skelettreste aus der großteils awarenzeitlichen, aber auch spätantik und bronzezeitlich datierten archäologischen Fundstelle Bruckneudorf. Aus ...
Synthesys+ VA project SYNTH4VA1Chiroptera "COVID-19 Chiropteran knowledge base" (NHMW part)
This dataset was digitised as part of the Synthesys+ Virtual Access programme for the SYNTHVA1Chiroptera project "Covid-19 Chiroptera knowledgebase". The data provided here are a subset of the mammal collection of the Natural ...
LA-ICP-MS data from specimens NHMW-MIN-O1967 and O1969
Laser Ablation – Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry data from the meteorite samples NHMW-MIN-O1967 and O1969. Method and experimental conditions are provided in the related paper (Pittarello et al., submitted) and ...
MicroCT scan of a prehistoric vase
MicroCT (x-ray microcomputed tomography, YXLON FF35 CT) dataset of a prehistoric ceramic vase including marker for registration with other imaging methods. The vase was reconstructed around an original part. The difference between the ...
3D model of a prehistoric vase
3D model based on a structured light scan (Artec Space Spider) a prehistoric ceramic vase including marker for registration with other imaging methods. The vase was reconstructed around an original part. The difference between ...
3D model of a Southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus)
3D model based on a structured light scan (Artec Space Spider) of a southern three-banded armadillo or Azara's domed armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus) rolled fully up into a ball. The specimen is part of the mammal collection of ...
CT Scan of a paratype of Tripneustes kermadecensis Bronstein et al., 2017 (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) – Supplementary material to McLaren et al. (2023): "Hidden in plain sight: Tripneustes kermadecensis (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) is a junior synonym of the eastern Australian sea urchin Evechinus australiae described in 1878"
MicroCT scan of a paratype of Tripneustes kermadecensis Bronstein et al., 2017 (Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Toxopneustidae) in the Natural History Museum Vienna collection. Reassessment of taxonomic status by McLaren et al. (2023).
3D model of a figure of a bull
3D model based on a 3D scan of a 11-centimeter-tall figure of a Bull from the Iron Age found in the Býčí skála cave (“Bull Rock Cave”) near Brno, Czech Republic. The 2,500-year-old bull in bronze is one of the most ...
Dataset to: Spitzenberger et al. (2006) "A preliminary revision of the genus Plecotus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) based on genetic and morphological results"
The phylogenetic relationships within the genus Plecotus were assessed using molecular as well as morphological methods. With only three species missing, our study is based on an almost comprehensive taxonomic sampling. The genetic ...
From historical expedition diaries to whole genome sequencing: a case study of the likely extinct Red Sea Torpedo Ray
CT Scan of lectotype AM J. 30960 of Tripneustes australiae (Tenison-Woods, 1878) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) – Supplementary material to McLaren et al. (2023): "Hidden in plain sight: Tripneustes kermadecensis (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) is a junior synonym of the eastern Australian sea urchin Evechinus australiae described in 1878"
MicroCT scan of lectotype specimen AM J. 30960 of Tripneustes australiae (Tenison-Woods, 1878) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Toxopneustidae) in the Australian Museum (Sydney) collection. Originally described as Evechinus australiae ...
CT Scan of paralectotype AM J. 30961 of Tripneustes australiae (Tenison-Woods, 1878) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) – Supplementary material to McLaren et al. (2023): "Hidden in plain sight: Tripneustes kermadecensis (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) is a junior synonym of the eastern Australian sea urchin Evechinus australiae described in 1878"
MicroCT scan of lectotype specimen AM J. 30961 of Tripneustes australiae (Tenison-Woods, 1878) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Toxopneustidae) in the Australian Museum (Sydney) collection. Originally described as Evechinus australiae and ...
Lindenberg Hepaticae Taxon Catalogue 1860
This catalogue contains a list of taxon names according to the Synopsis hepaticarum by Gottsche et al. (1844-1847) that accompanies the Lindenberg collection acquired by the "k.k. botanisches Hofcabinet" in 1860. This collection is ...
Lindenberg Hepaticae Object Catalogue 1878
This catalogue was generated in 1878 based on the Lindenberg collection acquired by the "k.k. botanisches Hofcabinet" in 1860 and contains a numbered list of 9089 specimens (objects). These specimens are deposited at the herbarium of ...
MicroCT scan of axis bone of a mute swan (Cygnus olor) - Supplementary material to "Mayr et al. (2023): Reinterpretation of tuberculate cervical vertebrae of Eocene birds as an exceptional anti-predator adaptation against the mammalian craniocervical killing bite"
MicroCT (x-ray microcomputed tomography, YXLON FF35 CT) dataset of an axis bone of an extant mute swan (Cygnus olor). The specimen is part of the bird collection of the first zoological department of the Natural History Museum Vienna.
MicroCT scan of a fossil cervical vertrebra of a Perplexicervicidae (Aves) - Supplementary material to "Mayr et al. (2023): Reinterpretation of tuberculate cervical vertebrae of Eocene birds as an exceptional anti-predator adaptation against the mammalian craniocervical killing bite"
MicroCT (x-ray microcomputed tomography, YXLON FF35 CT) dataset of a fossil cervical vertrebrate of a Perplexicervicidae (Aves). The specimen is part of the vertebrate collection of the department of Geology and Paleontology at the ...
Historic museum samples provide evidence for a recent replacement of Wolbachia types in European Drosophila melanogaster.
This dataset contains the newly assembled Wolbachia draft genomes and assembly statistics of eight previously published historic Drosophila melanogaster museum samples sequenced with Illumina (Shpak et al. 2023) and of nine previously ...
Dataset to: Páll-Gergely et al. (2024): "Many roads to success: Alternative routes to building an economic shell in land snails"
3D models based on microCT scans of snail shells. This is the dataset to the publication "Many roads to success: Alternative routes to building an economic shell in land snails" (2024) by Páll-Gergely et al.:
Land snails exhibit an ...
Supplementum to the Project "Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe" - chemichal analyses of the idiophones
Chemichal Analyses (Scanning electron microscopy and XRF-analyses) of bells and pellet bells from the Roman and Avar period. The analysed objects are housed in the Wien Museum/Vienna Museum; the Stadtmuseum Wels, the Hungarian National ...
Supplementary material to: Pomberger et al. (2022): "Ancient bells from Ovilava/Wels – First studies"
About 100 references mentioning bells, cymbals and sounding ore in various ancient and late antique texts were found and classified according to their function.
Textile analyses and visiual materials on Avar pellet bells (FWF Project T 1136-G "Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe")
29 textile fragments adhering on Avar pellet bells from cemeteries in Hungary (Halimba-Belátó-domb, Jánoshida, Keszthely, Kölked-Feketekapu, Pilismarót-Öregek-dűlő, Szob, Keszthely-Városi temető, Gyenesdiás), Slovakia ...
CT Scan of the six-armed brittle star Ophiactis hex (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) – Supplementary material to Thuy et al. (2024): "Fossil evidence for the ancient link between clonal fragmentation, six-fold symmetry and an epizoic lifestyle in asterozoan echinoderms"
MicroCT scan of a the holoype (specimen SMNS 70508) of the new species Ophiactis hex Thuy et al., 2024 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiactidae) from the Nusplingen Quarry on top of Westerberg hill, Nusplingen, Germany; ...
Videos on the project "Metallic idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe"
Videos on the project "Metallic idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe". Videos with original sounds of Avar bells, Roman bells and Hallstatt pendants as well as related information on findings and possible ...
3D model of a bust of Alberto Fucini
3D scan of a bust of the Italian geologist and paleontologist Alberto Fucini (1864 – 1940). The bust is made of bronze, and was patinated in dark grey. The sculpture is mounted on a black marble base.
Miocene Gastropoda from the Central Paratethys Sea
A revised dataset on stratigraphic and geographic occurrences of revised Gastropoda species from the Miocene Central Paratethys Sea, with georefernces locality data.
3D model of a bust of Gregor Mendel
3D scan of a bust of the Austro-Czech clergy and biologist, Gregor Mendel (1822–1884). Mendel is considered one of the founders of the science of genetics. He is best known for his work on biological inheritance, which is today ...
3D model of a cast iron umbrella stand
3D scan of a vintage cast iron umbrella stand. It was produced around 1889 and was part of the original interior of the workrooms of the Natural History Museum Vienna.
3D model of a baby shoe of Hans Hass
3D scan of the first baby shoe of Austrian diving pioneer, zoologist and filmmaker Hans Hass (1919–2013). A few months before his death, Hans Hass donated a large number of personal objects and documents to the archive, which ...
3D model of a bust of Ferdinand von Hochstetter
3D scan of a bust of the Austrian geologist and first director of the Natural History Museum Vienna, Ferdinand von Hochstetter (1829–1884). The bust is made of plaster and is mounted on a dark turned wood base.
The original was ...
3D model of bust Bust of Joseph Franz von Jacquin
3D scan of a bust of the Austrian chemist and botanist Joseph Franz von Jacquin (1766 – 1839). Joseph Franz was the son of the famous Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin and followed in his footsteps as botanist and chemist. The bust ...
3D model of a bronzed bust of Johann Baptist Natterer
3D scan of a bronzed bust of the Austrian taxidermist and collector Johann Baptist Natterer (1787–1843). The bust was made by sculptor Anton Rücker, the material is bronzed plaster.
3D model of a bust of Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin
3D scan of a bust of the Austro-Dutch chemist and botanist Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727 – 1817). The bust by the Austrian sculptor Elias Hütter (1774 – 1865) is made of plaster, which is painted with bronze paint. The ...
3D model of a bust of Jakob Eduard Polak
3D model of a bust of the Austrian physician and ethnographer Jakob Eduard Polak (1818–1891). The bust is made out of plaster (hollow casting).
3D model of a bust of Richard von Wettstein
3D scan of the bust of the Austrian botanist Richard von Wettstein, also known as Richard Wettstein von Westersheim (1863–1931). The bust is made out of bronzed plaster and mounted on a wooden base.
3D model of a plaster bust of Johann Baptist Natterer
3D scan of a plaster bust of the Austrian taxidermist and collector Johann Baptist Natterer (1787–1843). The bust was made by sculptor Anton Rücker, the material is plaster.
3D model of a bust of Melchior Neumayr
3D scan of a bust of the Austrian Palaeontologist Melchior Neumayr (1845–1890) by Austrian sculptor Carl Kundmann (1838–1919). The bust is made out of plaster and was formerly on display at the Geological and Paleontological ...
3D models of corn models
3D scans of corn models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. They ...
3D models of guava fruit models
3D scans of guava fruit models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of orange models
3D scans of 6 orange models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of Araceae bulb models
3D scans of models of Araceae bulbs. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax ...
3D model of a jackfruit model
3D scan of a model of a jackfruit. The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of pumpkin models
3D scans of 16 pumpkin models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of bhindi or okra models
3D scans of 8 bhindi or okra models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax ...
3D models of pea pod models
3D scans of 3 pea pod models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of beetroot models
3D scans of beetroot models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of cucumber models
3D scans of 9 cucumber models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of chachenda or snake gourd models
3D scans of chachenda or snake gourd models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as ...
3D model of a passion fruit model
3D scan of a model of a passion fruit. The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax ...
3D models of fig models
3D scans of 5 fig models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. They ...
3D models of ginger models
3D scans of 5 models of ginger (Amomum zingiber). The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, ...
3D models of phut or snap melon models
3D scans of models of a phut or snap melon. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax ...
3D models of cacao pod models
3D scans of 6 cacao pod models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of guaiacwood models
3D scans of models of 3 guaiacwood (Guaiacum officinale). The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum ...
3D models of carrot models
3D scans of 3 carrot models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of sweet lime models
3D scans of 4 lime models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. They ...
3D models of apricot seed models
3D scans of 6 apricot seed models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax ...
Dataset (rawdata) of the online-listening-study on sounds of metallic idiophones
Dataset (rawdata) of the online-listening study on sounds of metallic idiophones.
3D models of chili pepper models
3D scans of chili pepper models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D model of a garlic model
3D scan of a model of garlic. The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. It ...
3D model of a shalgam model
3D scan of a model of a shalgam (Brassica rapa). The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as ...
3D models of eggplant models
3D scans of 4 eggplant models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D model of a sugar apple or sweetsops model
3D scan of a model of a sugar apple or sweetsops (Annona squamosa). The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History ...
3D models of pear models
3D scans of 3 pear models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. They ...
3D models of banana models
3D scans of 6 banana models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of bamboo models
3D scans of 7 bamboo models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of citrus fruit models
3D scans of citrus fruit models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of beal or bengal quince models
3D scans of 3 boal or bengal quince (Aegle marmelos) models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum ...
3D model of a hoe husker (Deinotherium)
3D scan of a skeleton of the extinct Deinotherium (translates to “terrible beast”) or hoe tusker, that came to the Natural History Museum Vienna in 1885. The bones of this prehistoric elephant were found in Franzensbad, Czech ...
Dataset to: "Bader et al. (2024) Diversity of limb long bone morphology among proboscideans: how to be the biggest one in the family"
3D models used in the publication by Bader et al.(2024). The dataset consists of 21 3D models of humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia and fibula bones from different species of the Elephantidae family.
3D models of cacao pod models
3D scans of two cacao pod models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax ...
3D models of carambola models
3D scans of four carambola models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of water caltrop fruit models
3D scans of four models of water caltrop fruits. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, ...
3D models of watermelon models
3D scans of watermelon models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D models of jujube models
3D scans of 7 jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as ...
3D models of lobiya models
3D scans of lobiya models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. They ...
3D model of a weeping milk cap model
3D scan of a model of a weeping milk cap or bradley. The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, ...
3D models of Neoboletus models
3D scans of Neoboletus mushroom models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax ...
3D models of Basidiomycota models
3D scans of four models of a Basidiomycota mushroom. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum ...
3D model of an Omphalotus olearius model
3D scan of a model of a jack-o’-lantern mushroom (Omphalotus olearius). The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural ...
3D models of Suede Bolete models
3D scans of two models of a Suede Bolete mushroom (Xerocomus subtomentosus). The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the ...
3D model of a pumpkin model
3D scan of a model of a pumpkin. The model was created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D scans of parval models
3D scans of six parval models. The models were created around 1803 most likely by Franz Stoll or Johann Jaich, who were employed at the Naturalien-Cabinet, the predecessor of the Natural History Museum Vienna, as wax modellers. ...
3D model of a calabash
3D scan of a round bottle shaped calabash. The inside of the vegetable is hollowed out and can therefore be used as a vessel.
3D model of a coal cart
3D scan of a coal cart. The heavy cart was in use at the museum until the late 1960’s, when the museum switched to district heating.
Heating a building like the Natural History Museum Vienna required large amount of coal. The ...
3D model of a brick of the NHMW
3D scan of a brick of the Natural History Museum produced between 1871 and 1885. The brick was manufactured by Wienerberger Ziegelwerke (Wienerberger Brickworks) sometimes referred to as Drasche-Werke, after the owner Heinrich ...
3D models of a Hammond typewriter (No. 12), with and without cover
3D scan of a Hammond typewriter (No. 12) with and without cover, “Ideal visible Hammond”, formerly used in the Geological & Paleontological department of the Natural History Museum. The typewriter is named after its inventor ...
3D model of the Taxiphote (stereoscope)
3D scan of the Taxiphote (stereoscope) from around 1900. The Taxiphote was produced by the French company Jules Richard. It was modified around the year 2000 to be used with electric light instead of daylight and to handle modern ...
3D scan of an Amanita caesarea model
3D scan of a fungus model, Amanita caesarea, commonly also known as Caesar’s mushroom. The model is part of the collection Leopold Trattinnick (1764–1849) and was acquired by the archive via donation in 2011.
3D scan of a Merulius Chantarellus model
3D scan of a fungus model, Merulius chantarellus. The model is part of the collection Leopold Trattinnick (1764–1849) and was acquired by the archive via donation in 2011.
3D scan of an Agaricus ostreatus model
3D scan of a fungus model, Agaricus (Pleuropus) ostreatus, commonly also known as oyster mushroom. The model is part of the collection Leopold Trattinnick (1764–1849) and was acquired by the archive via donation in 2011.
3D model of a Boletus subtomentosus model
3D scan of a fungus model, Boletus subtomentosus, commonly also known as suede bolete. The model is part of the collection Leopold Trattinnick (1764–1849) and was acquired by the archive via donation in 2011.
3D model of a Boletus edulis model
3D scan of a fungus model, Boletus edulis, commonly also known as penny bun. The model is part of the collection Leopold Trattinnick (1764–1849) and was acquired by the archive via donation in 2011.
3D model of an AEG Index Typewriter with and without lid
3D scan of an AEG Mignon Type 4 Index typewriter with and without lid produced by the German company AEG between 1924 and 1933. The typewriter was distinguished by two major features: the absence of a keyboard, which was replaced ...
3D scan of tool for lifting displays
3D scan of a tool for lifting the heavy glass doors/sides of the large historical display cases in the Natural History Museum Vienna. The tool was used during the late 19th century, later display cases had hinged doors and ...
3D model of a metal jug with lid
3D scan of a metal jug with a lid, dating probably to the late 19th/first half of the 20th century. The jug has a broad standing rim and a curved foot. The body tapers towards the top, where a rectangular, rounded handle is ...
3D model of a tea tin of the "Fram" Expedition
3D scan of a metal tea tin from the winter camp of the "Fram" expedition 1895/1896 on Franz Josef Land. The tea tin still contains black tea leaves. The expedition was led by the later Nobel Peace Prize laureate Fridtjof Nansen ...
3D model of a black chess piece
3D scan of a wooden chess piece from the winter camp of the "Fram " expedition 1895/1896 on Franz Josef Land. The expedition was led by the later Nobel Peace Prize laureate Fridtjof Nansen (1861–1930).
The chess piece is very likely ...
3D model of a white chess piece
3D scan of a wooden chess piece from the winter camp of the "Fram " expedition 1895/1896 on Franz Josef Land. The expedition was led by the later Nobel Peace Prize laureate Fridtjof Nansen (1861–1930).
The chess piece is very ...
3D scan of a beam scale
3D scan of beam scales on a wooden base, that were used on a table top. The name of the producer/seller is hardly legible, the location is recognizable as Vienna.
The instrument was used by the former Speleological Institute and ...
3D model of a hydrometric current meter
3D scan of a hydrometric current meter. The instrument was used for flow velocity measurements in rivers and streams by the Karst and Cave Department (Geology and Palaeontology).
3D model of a theodolite
3D scan of a small theodolite. The instrument was used for horizontal and vertical angle calculations by the former Speleological Institute and later by the Karst and Caves Department (Geology and Palaeontology) of the Natural ...
3D models of a spyglass
3D scan of a spyglass sold by the Viennese optician Otto Schleiffelder, who had his showroom on Graben in the 1st district (inner city Vienna). It was made around 1900 and gifted by Miss E. Kerner von Marilaun to the Geological ...
3D model of an Agaricus deliciosus model
3D scan of a fungus model, Agaricus/Lactarius deliciosus, commonly also known as delicious milk cap.
Former inventory number: 9529
3D model of a Hydnum imbricatum model
3D scan of a fungus model, Hydnum imbricatum, commonly also known as “scaly hedgehog”.
Former inventory number: 9543
3D model of a Boletus edulis model
3D scan of a fungus model, Boletus edulis, commonly known as penny bun.
Former inventory number: 9519
3D model of the seal stamp of the directorate of the Court Cabinet of Natural Objects
3D scan of seal stamp of the directorate of the Court Cabinet of Natural Objects (k. k. Naturalienkabinett). It was in use during the first half of the 19th century. In 1876 the Imperial Museum of Natural History (k. k. ...
3D model of a seal stamp of the Anthropological-Ethnographical Department of the Imperial Museum of Natural History
3D scan of a seal stamp of the Anthropological-Ethnographical Department (Imperial Museum of Natural History) that consists of a wooden handle and a brass base. It was in use during 1876 and 1915. With the founding of the ...
3D model of a seal stamp of the Zoological Cabinet of the Imperial Museum of Natural History
3D scan of seal stamp of the Zoological Cabinet. It was in use during 1851 until 1876, when the Imperial Museum of Natural History (k. k. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum) was founded and the former cabinets became different museum ...
3D model of a seal stamp of the Physical Court Cabinet and Court Cabinet of Natural Objects
3D scan of a seal stamp of the Physical Court Cabinet and Court Cabinet of Natural Objects (k. k. Physikalisches und Naturalien Kabinett). It was in use during 1806 and 1835. In 1876 the Imperial Museum of Natural History (k. k. ...
3D model of a seal stamp of the Court Cabinet of Natural Objects
3D scan of a seal stamp of the Court Cabinet of Natural Objects (k. k. Naturalienkabinett). It was in use during the first half of the 19th century. In 1876 the Imperial Museum of Natural History (k. k. Naturhistorisches ...
3D model of a stamp of the Imperial Museum of Natural History
3D scan of a stamp of the Imperial Museum of Natural History (k. k. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum). It was most likely in use in the museum’s library during the second half of the 19th century. In 1876 the Hofmuseum was founded ...
3D model of a seal stamp of the library of the Court Cabinet of Natural Objects
3D scan of a seal stamp of the library, Court Cabinet of Natural Objects (k. k. Naturalienkabinett). It was in use at the library of the Cabinet during the first half of the 19th century. In 1876 the Hofmuseum was founded and the ...
3D models of a late 19th century historical field camera and its bag
3D scans of a late 19th century historical field camera and its bag. In Austria and Germany this style of field camera was referred to as so called “english travel camera” (“englische Reisekamera”). There was in addition ...
3D scans of a wooden plate holder for stereo micro photography
3D scans of a wooden plate holder for stereo micro photography (open and closed), produced around 1890. The holder was used on a camera that was mounted to a microscope via an adapter, not unlike today. The plate was placed in a ...
3D model of a seal stamp of the Botanical Department of the Imperial Museum of Natural History
3D scan of a seal stamp that consists of a wooden handle and a brass base. It was in use during 1876 and 1915. In 1876 the Imperial Museum of Natural History (k. k. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum) was founded and the former ...
3D models of parts from a stove used in the exhibition halls of the Natural History Museum Vienna
3D scans of parts from a stove used in the exhibition halls of the Natural History Museum. The exhibition halls and most of the rooms (except for the staircases and anterooms) were heated by a low-pressure hot water heating ...
3D model of a 19th century butterfly net
3D scan of a butterfly net used in the 19th century. Unlike the name suggests a butterfly net is not only used to catch butterflies, but also all other flying insects. The opening of the net is made of two spring plates and can ...
3D models of collecting boxes
3D scans of collecting boxes for caterpillars, millipedes and insect larvae. The boxes were made in various materials ranging from simple cardboard, to wood and metal. Despite being made of different materials, they share some ...
3D model of a bronze disc brooch
3D scan of a bronze disc brooch (Bronzescheibenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 83.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D models of parts of a set of fittings of Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scans of parts of a set of fittings from Hauskirchen grave 13, the grave of a 25- to 30-year-old woman. The objects belonged to an abundant assemblage of functional and/or ornamental fittings of two horse harnesses and bridles. ...
3D model of a roasting spit
3D scan of roasting spit found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 8.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze scoop vessel
3D scan of a bronze scoop vessel found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 220.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bone comb from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scan of a bone comb from Hauskirchen grave 13. The site is located in the northeastern Weinviertel in Austria. Despite its robbery in the past, this grave of an adult woman is one of the richest graves of the Migration Era in ...
3D models of mountings with Lunula Pendants from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scans of mountings with Lunula Pendants made of gilded silver from Hauskirchen grave 13. The objects belonged to an abundant assemblage of functional and/or ornamental fittings of two horse harnesses and bridles. Originally, ...
3D models of hemispherical strap distributors from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scans of hemispherical strap distributors made of gilded bronze from Hauskirchen grave 13. They were part of a set of fittings, which together with leather straps formed harnesses and bridles for two horses. They belong to a ...
3D models of rectangular fittings from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scans of rectangular fittings from Hauskirchen grave 13. The fittings, measuring approximately 3.8 x 2.6 cm, are made of fire-gilt bronze with triangular decorations on the edge. Notched lines decorate the rectangular strap ...
3D model of an iron bar from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D model of components of a horse bridle from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scan of components of a horse bridle found at the burial site in Hauskirchen, Austria, in grave 13. Together with further finds, the objects form an assemblage of functional and/or ornamental fittings of two horse harnesses and ...
3D models of small hemispherical fittings on leather bands from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scans of small hemispherical fittings on leather bands from Hauskirchen. They are made of silver and are part of the grave goods belonging to grave 13, the burial of a 25- to 30-year-old woman, which is one of the richest ...
3D model of an oval-shaped buckle from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scan of an oval-shaped simple buckle from Hauskirchen grave 13. It is made from iron and measures 3.5 cm x 2.4 cm.
3D model of a spindle whorl from Hauskirchen grave 10
3D scan of a spindle whorl from Hauskirchen grave 10. It is made of clay, frustoconical and beveled at the bottom, with indented underside. The spindle whorl measures 3.2 cm x 1.9 cm.
3D model of a weaving sword from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D scan of an iron weaving sword from Hauskirchen grave 13. It has a thorn-shaped tip and a simple hilt with a somewhat widened end. The iron ring located next to the sparse charred remains of the wooden handle has completely ...
3D model of an Eastern moa
3D scan of an Eastern moa (Emeus crassus) skeleton from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Moas are extinct birds that lived on New Zealand. This skeleton was donated to the museum by Dr. Julius Ritter von Haast.
3D model of a Southern stout-legged moa
3D scan of a Southern stout-legged moa (Euryapteryx curtus gravis) skeleton from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Moas are extinct birds that lived on New Zealand. This skeleton was donated to the museum by Dr. Julius Ritter von ...
3D model of an Eastern moa
3D scan of an Eastern moa (Emeus crassus) skeleton from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Moas are extinct birds that lived on New Zealand. This skeleton was donated to the museum by Dr. Julius Ritter von Haast in 1884.
3D model of a South Island giant moa
3D scan of a South Island giant moa (Dinornis robustus) skeleton from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Moas are extinct birds that lived on New Zealand. This skeleton was donated to the museum by Dr. Julius Ritter von Haast in 1884.
3D model of a beaded rim basin from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D model of a wide-mouthed bowl from Hauskirchen grave 13
3D model of a wide-mouthed bowl from Hauskirchen grave 8
3D model of a disc-shaped bead from Hauskirchen grave 8
3D model of a cylindrical bead from Hauskirchen grave 8
3D model of a melon-shaped bead from Hauskirchen grave 8
3D model of a decorative disc from Hauskirchen grave 8
3D model of an oval ring from Hauskirchen grave 8
Dataset to: "Harzhauser et al. (2024) Solar cycles modulated the Late Triassic Pangean Megamonsoon "
The supercontinent Pangea attained its maximum size with land masses being equally distributed on both hemispheres during the Triassic. The peculiar configuration of continents gave rise to the largest monsoon system of ...
3D model of whetstone
3D scan of a whetstone found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 999.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze plate
3D scan of a bronze ring-shaped ornamental piece or plate found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 890.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 11.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmeif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 17-22
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a dagger
3D scan of a dagger (Bimetalldolch) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 33-34.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze braclet (Bronzearmring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 33-34.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze belt hook
3D scan of a bronze belt hook (Bronzegürtelhaken) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 46.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron hatchet
3D scan of an iron hatchet (Eisenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 48.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron dagger knife
3D scan of an iron dagger knife (Eisendolchmesser) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 48.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze pin
3D scan of a bronze pin (Bronzegewandnadel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 48.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 51.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron hatchet
3D scan of an iron hatchet (Eisendechsel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 54.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze rasp
3D scan of a bronze rasp (Bronzeraspel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 55.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a ceramic pot
3D scan of a ceramic pot (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 58.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze roller head pin
3D scan of a bronze roller head pin (Bronzerollenkopfnadel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 59.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a ceramic pot
3D scan of a ceramic pot (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 61-62.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a ceramic vessel
3D scan of a ceramic vessel (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 61-62.This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze neck ring
3D scan of a bronze neck ring (Bronzehalsring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 68.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzebrillenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 73.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzekahnfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 80.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzekahnfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 82.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze spiral head pin
3D scan of a bronze spiral head pin (Bronzespiralkopfnadel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 86.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzekahnfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 104.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze arch brooch
3D scan of a bronze arch brooch (Bronzebogenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 123.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze vessel handle
3D scan of a bronze vessel handle (Bronzegefäßhenkel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 130.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a miniature bronze toggle
3D scan of a miniature bronze toggle (Bronzezwergknebel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 131.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron lance tip
3D scan of an iron lance tip (Eisenlanzenspitze) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 131.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an amber bead pendant
3D scan of an amber bead pendant (Bernsteinperlenanhänger) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 136.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a grindstone
3D scan of a grindstone (Schleifstein) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 137.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 159.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a ceramic vessel
3D scan of a ceramic vessel (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 165.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a grindstone
3D scan of a grindstone (Schleifstein) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 167.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron lance tip
3D scan of an iron lance tip (Eisenlanzenspitze) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 180.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzecertosafibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 185.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze flap axe
3D scan of a bronze flap axe (Bronzeschaftlappenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 195.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze belt hook
3D scan of a bronze bell hook (Bronzegürtelhaken) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 208.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron axe
3D scan of an iron axe (Eisenärmchenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 217.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bowl
3D scan of a bronze bowl (Bronzeschale) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze reins hook
3D scan of a bronze ring reins hook (Bronzeringzügelhaken) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 222.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron axe
3D scan of an iron axe (Miniatureisenaxt) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 223.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron folding knife
3D scan of iron folding knife (Eisenklappmesser) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 223.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 233.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 237.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an amber ring
3D scan of an amber ring (Bernsteinring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 246.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an amber ring
3D scan of an amber ring (Bernsteinring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 246.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze wide rim bowl
3D scan of a bronze wide rim bowl (Breitrandfußschale) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 253.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze snake brooch
3D scan of a bronze snake brooch (Bronzeschlangenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 258.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze belt plate
3D scan of a bronze belt plate (Bronzegürtelblech) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 258.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze double-crested helmet
3D scan of a bronze double-crested helmet (Bronzedoppelkammhelm) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 259.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze meat hook
3D scan of a bronze meat hook (Bronzesiedefleischhaken) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 260.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze wide rim bowl
3D scan of a bronze wide rim bowl (Breitrandschale) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a pommel sword
3D scan of a part of a bi-metall pommel sword (Bimetallpilzknaufschwert) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 260.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze hatchet
3D scan of a bronze hatchet (Bronzezierbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 260.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze spout
3D scan of a bronze spout (Bronzeziertülle) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 260.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bone rod
3D scan of a bone rod (Beinstab) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 260.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze band
3D scan of a bronze band (Bronzeortband) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 263
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze belt hook
3D scan of a bronze belt hook (Bronzegürtelhaken) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 270.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze cista
3D scan of a bronze cista (Bronzerippenciste) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 271.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an amber ring
3D scan of a ring made out of amber (Bernsteinring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 281.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze antenna sword
3D scan of a bronze antenna sword (Bronzeantennenschwert) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 288.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze sword
3D scan of a bronze sword (Bronzeschwertklinge) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 288.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze socketed axe
3D scan of a bronze socketed axe (Bronzetüllenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 288.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an animal brooch
3D scan of a animal brooch (Bronzetierfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 288
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze chape
3D scan of a bronze chape (Bronzeflügelortband) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 299.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzetutuluspaukenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 300.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze animal brooch
3D scan of an animal brooch (Bronzepferdchenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 307.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze flap axe
3D scan of a bronze flap axe (Bronzeschaftlappenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 317.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an amber artefact
3D scan of an amber artefact (Bernsteinschieber) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 343.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an amber pearl
3D scan of an amber pearl (Bernsteinperle) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 343.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a multi-headed needle
3D scan of a multi-headed needle found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 366.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 376.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze melon arm ring
3D scan of bronze melon arm ring (Bronzemelonenarmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 398.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze pin
3D scan of a bronze rolled pin (Bronzenadel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 399.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a spearhead
3D scan of a bronze spearhead (Bronzelanzenspitze) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 406.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a multi-headed needle
3D scan of a mulit-headed needle (Bronzemehrkopfnadel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 409.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze cup
3D scan of a bronze cup (Bronzetasse) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a ceramic vessel
3D scan of a ceramic vessel (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 410.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an amber ring
3D scan of an amber ring (Bernsteinring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 413.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a clay bowl
3D scan of a clay bowl (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 422.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a stone axe fragment
3D scan of a stone axe (Steinaxt) fragment found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 432.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze figurine
3D scan of a bronze animal figurine (Bronzetierfigur) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 455.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel (Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a dagger hilt
3D scan of a dagger hilt (Bimetallantennendolchgriff) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 458.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzezweiknopffibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 459.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze anvil
3D scan of an anvil (Bronzeamboß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 496.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bear tooth
3D scan of a bear tooth (Bärenzahnanhänger) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 468.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron axe and related wood piece
3D scan of an iron axe and related wood piece (Eisentüllenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 469.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D models of two clay plates
3D scan of two clay plates (Tonscheiben) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 354.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of two bronze arm rings
3D scan of two bronze arm rings (Bronzehohlblecharmringe) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 305.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D models of bronze bracelets
3D scans of two bronze bracelets (Bronzearmringe) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 288
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D models of amber rings
3D scans of two amber rings (Bernsteinringe) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 136.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D models of two bronze coupling rings
3D scans of two bronze coupling ring (Bronzehohlblechkoppelringe) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 63.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D models of bronze bracelets
3D scan of two bronze bracelets (Bronzearmreife) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 474.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron dagger
3D scan of an iron dagger (Eisenantennendolch) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 472.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a lignite arm ring
3D scan of lignite arm ring (Lignitarmring) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 474.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a prehistoric jackknife
3D scan of a jackknife (Eisenklappmesser) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 488.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a weaving sword from Hauskirchen grave 8
3D scan of a weaving sword from Hauskirchen grave 8. It is one of the burial goods of a 10-11 year old girl. Iron weaving swords generally occur only in ─ usually richly equipped ─ graves of female individuals and were ...
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel (Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bronze scoop vessel
3D scan of a bronze scoop vessel (Bronzeschöpfgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 500.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of a bone fragment found in a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bone fragment found in a bronze vessel (Knochenfragment aus Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 501.
This object is not on display and can be viewed by appointment.
3D model of an iron pommel sword
3D scan of a iron pommel sword (Eisenpilzknaufschwert), separated in six pieces, found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 504.
3D model of an ornamental hatchet
3D scan of an ornamental hatchet (Bronzezierbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 504.
3D model of an ivory knob
3D scan of ivory handle (Elfenbeingriff) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 505
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 505.
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel (Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 506.
3D model of a bronze heel axe
3D scan of a bronze heel axe (Bronzeabsatzbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 512.
3D model of a bronze pearl
3D scan of bronze pearl (Bronzeperle) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 538.
3D model of a bone needle tip protector
3D scan of a needle protector (Beinnadelspitzenschoner) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 542.
3D model of a whetstone
3D scan of a whetstone (Schleifstein) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 553.
3D model of a core from layer 5 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 62 mm long core. In lithic production, cores are the starting points, from which all subsequent blanks (e.g. blades or flakes) are knapped off. This core seems to have been used mainly for the production of regular ...
3D model of a spout axe
3D scan of an iron spout axe (Tüllenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 559.
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel (Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 555.
3D model of a spearhead
3D scan of spearhead found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 559.
3D model of a core from layer 5 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 45 mm long core. In lithic production, cores are the starting points from which all subsequent blanks (e.g. blades or flakes) are knapped off. This core seems to have been used mainly for the production of regular ...
3D model of a dagger hilt
3D scan of a dagger hilt (Bronzeantennendolchgriff) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 559.
3D model of a bronze hatchet
3D scan of a bronze hatchet (Bronzeschaftlappenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 574.
3D model of a drill from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 93 mm long blade, distally modified as a drill. Due to its shape, the object can be classified as a double drill. The artefact is made from red-brown to yellow white veined chert. It surfaced in layer 9 of the ...
3D model of a bronze sword chape
3D scan of a bronze sword chape (Bronzeortband) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 574.
3D model of a bone point fragment from layer 4 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 78,7 mm long fragment of the distal (upper) part of a bone point. It originated from layer 4 of the Willendorf II site in the Wachau Region in Lower Austria. It constitutes one of the numerous osseous artefacts ...
3D model of a dagger hilt
3D scan of a dagger hilt (Bimetallantennendolchgriff) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 577.
3D model of a double endscraper from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 53 mm long double endscraper on a blade made from gray chert. Scrapers show one or two retouched concave working edges at an acute angle. They were used to skin animals, clean meat off hides or on wood. This scraper ...
3D model of a wide rim bronze bowl
3D scan of a bronze wide rim bowl (Bronzebreitrandschale) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 577.
3D model of a burin from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 86 mm long simple dihedral burin. The artefact is made of gray-brown semi-translucent chert. It surfaced in layer 9 of the Willendorf II site in the Wachau Region in Lower Austria and constitutes one of the numerous ...
3D model of a glass bead
3D scan of a glass bead (Glasaugenperle) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 592.
3D model of a bronze hatchet
3D scan of a bronze hatchet (Bronzetüllenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 598.
3D model of a bronze belt hook
3D scan of a bronze belt hook (Bronzegürtelhaken) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 603.
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel (Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 605.
3D model of armour parts
3D scan of three armour parts (Bronzephalere) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 605.
3D models of a daggerknife and its sheath
3D scan of a dagger knife with sheath (Bimetalldolchmesser mit Schwertscheide) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 611.
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzebrillenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 616.
3D model of a wide rim bronze bowl with birds
3D scan of wide rim bowl (Bronzebreitrandschale) with birds found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 626.
3D model of a bronze bucket
3D scan of a bronze bucket (Bronzeeimer) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
Five 3D models of parts of a clamshell knife
3D scan of five parts of a clamshell knife (Eisendolchmesser) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 667.
3D model of a bronze hollow knuckle bracelet
3D scan of hollow knuckle ring (Bronzehohlbuckelarmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 661.
3D models of an iron knife blade and its bronze sheath
3D scans of an iron knife blade and its bronze sheath (Bimetalldolchmesser und Scheide) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 664.
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel (Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 667.
3D model of a bronze bowl
3D scan of a bronze bowl (Bronzeschale) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 667.
3D scan of a bronze ritual vessel
3D scan of a bowl decorated with cow calfs (Bronzeritualgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 671
3D model of a bronze brooch
3D scan of a bronze brooch (Bronzebogenfibel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 680.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 686.
3D model of a bronze situla
3D scan of a bronze situla (Bronzesitula) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 696.
3D model of an iron sword with an ivory handle
3D scan of a sword (Eisenpilzknaufschwert) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 697.
3D model of a bronze ornamental hatchet
3D scan of a bronze ornamental hatchet (Bronzezierbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 697.
3D model of a bronze rasp
3D scan of a bronze rasp (Bronzeraspel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 697.
3D model of a bronze sword chape
3D scan of a bronze sword chape (Bronzedosenortband) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 713.
3D model of a ribbed bronze bracelet
3D scan of a ribbed bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 746.
3D model of a ceramic vessel
3D scan of a ceramic vessel (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 777.
3D model of a bronze belt distributor disc
3D scan of a bronze belt distributor disc (Bronzeriemenverteilerscheibe) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 784.
3D model of an iron spout axe
3D scan of an iron spout axe (Tüllenbeil) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 789.
3D model of an iron fishing knife
3D scan of a fishing knife (Eisengriffangelmesser) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 789.
3D model of a ceramic vessel
3D scan of a ceramic vessel (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 803.
3D model of a ceramic vessel
3D scan of a ceramic vessel (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 803.
3D model of a ceramic vessel
3D scan of a ceramic vessel (Keramikgefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 828.
3D model of a bronze vessel
3D scan of a bronze vessel (Bronzegefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 836.
3D model of a boar tooth
3D scan of a boar tooth (Eberzahnanhänger) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 841.
3D model of an iron knife
3D scan of an iron knife (Eisengriffplattenmesser) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 870.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzebuckelarmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 899.
3D model of a bronze plate
3D scan of a bronze plate (Bronzebreitrandschüssel) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 912.
3D model of an urn
3D scan of a spherical vessel of fine clay (Urne) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 1019.
3D model of a clay vessel
3D scan of a clay vessel (Tongefäß) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
3D model of an iron helmet
3D scan of a spherical iron helmet (Eisenhelm) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 994.
3D model of a bronze sieve
3D scan of a bronze sieve (Bronzesieb) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 994.
3D model of the bronze ronzano sword
3D scan of a bronze ronzano sword (Ronzanoschwert) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 996.
3D model of a dodo reconstruction
3D scan of a reconstruction of a dodo (Raphus cucullatus), the now extinct flightless bird which was endemic to the island of Mauritius. The first eyewitnesses of the dodo were a Dutch fleet led by Van Warwjick in 1598 - within ...
3D model of beak-spouted jug
3D scan of a bronze beak-spouted jug (Schnabelkanne) found at the Dammwiese in Hallstatt, Austria.
3D model of a sword pommel
3D scan of a sword pommel (Schwertknauf) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 279.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 286.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 285.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 281.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 281.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 279.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 246.
3D models of two bronze bracelets
3D scans of two bronze bracelets (Bronzearmreife) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 122.
3D models of two bronze bracelets
3D scans of two bronze bracelets (Bronzearmreife) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 73.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 52.
3D models of two bronze bracelets
3D scans of two bronze bracelets (Bronzearmreife) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 287.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 277.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 277.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 270.
3D model of two bronze bracelets
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 256.
3D model of a blade from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 85 mm long blade. The artefact features no modifications and is made of gray-brown chert, with most of its surface covered by blue-white patina. The object originated from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site in the ...
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 255.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 245.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 241.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 258.
3D model of a bronze bracelet
3D scan of a bronze bracelet (Bronzearmreif) found at the burial site in Hallstatt, Austria, in grave 68.
3D model of a blade from Willendorf
3D scan of a 135 mm long blade made from brown grey speckled chert. It constitutes one of the numerous artefacts found in the same site as the Venus of Willendorf.
3D model of a reindeer antler from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a reindeer antler with cut marks. Reindeer antlers were used as raw material for a variety of items during the Paleolithic, including pins to fasten clothing, points for spears as well as awls. The item originated from ...
MicroCT scan of the skull of a Dugong (Dugong dugon). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of a dugong (Dugong dugon). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
3D model of arsenic
3D scan of Arsenic from Bohemia, Czech Republic, that is part of an extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural ...
3D model of silver
3D scan of Silver from Peru that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History Cabinet ...
3D model of argentite
3D scan of an Argentite from the Czech Republic that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural ...
3D model of a wurtzite
3D scan of a Wurtzite from Scotland that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a chlorargyrite
3D scan of a Chlorargyrite or Cerargyrite from Russia that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court ...
3D model of an opal
3D scan of an opal from France that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History Cabinet ...
3D model of an opal
3D scan of an Opal from Iceland that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History Cabinet ...
3D model of a chromite
3D scan of a Chromite from Austria that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a siliceous sinter
3D scan of an opal siliceous sinter from Reykjanes, Iceland found in 1808.
This object is on display in Hall 2 of the NHMW.
3D model of a minium mineral
3D scan of a Minium mineral from Russia that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of an aragonite
3D scan of an Aragonite (“Karlsbader Sprudelstein”) from the Czech Republic that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then ...
3D model of an erythrite
3D scan of an Erythrite from the Czech Republic that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural ...
3D model of an erythrite
3D scan of an Erythrite from Austria that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a smithsonite
3D scan of a Smithsonite from Italy that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a pyromorphite
3D scan of a Pyromorphite from France that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a malachite
3D scan of a Malachite from Austria that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a cerussite
3D scan of a Cerussite from Spain that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a vauquelinite
3D scan of a Vauquelinite from Russia that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a lapis
3D scan of a Lapis lazuli from the former USSR that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural ...
3D model of an augite
3D scan of an Augite from Norway that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History Cabinet ...
3D model of a chrysocolla
3D scan of a Chrysocolla from Austria that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of the Krasnojarsk meteorite
3D scan of the Krasnojarsk meteorite found in 1749 in Russia from the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court ...
3D models of pieces of the Stannern meteorite
3D scans of pieces of the Stannern meteorite. On May 22, 1808, after a series of loud explosions, some 200–300 stones fell from the sky near Stannern/Stonařov, in the Czech Republic.
All pieces except NHMW-MIN-A21 are part of ...
Dataset to: Kranner et al. (2025) "Rhizoliths from a Middle Miocene hypersaline lagoon in the Central Paratethys Sea (late Badenian, Serravallian, Austria)"
Enigmatic, thick-walled, agglutinated microfossils are described for the first time from the Middle Miocene of Austria. The microfossils are documented in large numbers from the Oberpullendorf Basin in Austria, where they occur in ...
3D model of the Barbotan meteorite
3D scan of the Barbotan meteorite that fell on July 24, 1790, in France. It is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial ...
3D model of the Ensisheim meteorite
3D scan of the Ensisheim meteorite that fell on November 11, 1492, in France. It is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then ...
3D model of a malachite
3D scan of a Malachite from Siberia that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of a malachite
3D scan of a Malachite from Siberia that is part of the extensive collection of minerals from the estate of the merchant Jakob Friedrich van der Nüll (1750-1823) acquired by the then Imperial and Royal Court Natural History ...
3D model of an endscraper from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 70 mm long endscraper on a blade made from brown-red radiolarite. Scrapers show one or two retouched concave working edges at an acute angle. They were used to skin animals, clean meat off hides or on wood. This ...
3D model of a plunging blade from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a plunging blade made from red-brown radiolarite. The item originated from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site in the Wachau Region in Lower Austria. It constitutes one of the numerous artefacts found in the same site as ...
3D scan of a core from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 49 mm long core. In lithic production, cores are the starting points, from which all subsequent blanks (e.g. blades or flakes) are knapped off. Sometimes cores were also used secondary as scrapers, as seems to have ...
3D model of an endscraper from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 70 mm long endscraper on a blade made from gray quartz. Scrapers show one or two retouched concave working edges at an acute angle. They were used to skin animals, clean meat off hides or on wood. This endscraper ...
3D model of a point from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 74 mm long bilaterally retouched point made from veined chert. The item originated from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site in the Wachau Region in Lower Austria. It constitutes one of the numerous artefacts found in ...
3D model of a double burin from layer 4 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 53 mm long double burin. Tools of this kind are especially common and appear in great variety in Central Europe during the Upper Paleolithic. They were used to work hard materials, such as dry wood or bone, antler, ...
MicroCT scan of the skull of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
MicroCT scan of the skull of a walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of a walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
3D model of a burin from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 69 mm long burin made from white patinated chert. Tools of this kind are especially common and appear in great variety in Central Europe during the Upper Paleolithic. They were used to work hard materials, such as ...
MicroCT scan of the skull of a platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of a platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
MicroCT scan of the skull of a tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of a tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
MicroCT scan of the skull of a Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of a Java mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
MicroCT scan of the skull of a manatee (Trichechus sp). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of a manatee (Trichechus sp). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
MicroCT scan of the skull of a Northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"
MicroCT scan of the skull of a Northern tamandua (Tamandua mexicana). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.
3D model of a burin from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 55 mm long burin made from brown-red radiolarite. Tools of this kind are especially common and appear in great variety in Central Europe during the Upper Paleolithic. They were used to work hard materials, such as ...
3D model of Willendorf expedition box 40 (1908/09)
3D scan of an expedition box from the excavations undertaken at the site Willendorf II in 1908 and 1909. Within these boxes lithic artefacts were stored, which were deemed as ‘waste’ by the original excavators in 1908/09, and ...
3D model of the lid of expedition box 41 (Willendorf, 1908/09)
3D scan of the lid of an expedition box from the excavations undertaken at the site Willendorf II in 1908 and 1909. The lid originally belonged to an expedition box from the excavations in Willendorf II 1908/09. Within the box, ...
3D model of a plaster cast of the "Oxford Dodo" head
3D scan of a plaster cast of a dodo skull with skin of the original in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Due to their life on an island ecosystem, they were not exposed to larger predators and evolved a complete ...
3D model of a dodo skull plaster cast
3D scan of a plaster cast of a dodo skull (Raphus cucullatus). The original skull is now in the Natural History Museum of Denmark (former Copenhagen Zoological Museum) and originates the collection of the museum in Gottorf Castle ...
3D model of a dodo foot plaster cast
3D scan of a plaster cast of a dodo foot, which was brought from London to Vienna by Johann Natterer. Due to their life on an island ecosystem, dodos were not exposed to larger predators and evolved a complete absence of fear of ...
3D model of a dodo skeleton
3D scan of a dodo skeleton. This specimen probably was put together from the remains of several birds. There is no complete dodo skeleton left, nevertheless the NHM Vienna owns one of the most complete skeletons. Dodos lived ...
3D model of Willendorf expedition box 37 (1908/09)
Expedition box from the excavations undertaken at the site Willendorf II in 1908 and 1909. Within these boxes lithic artefacts were stored, which were deemed as ‘waste’ by the original excavators in 1908/09, and therefore in ...
3D model of Venus III from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a modified piece of mammoth tusk, which has been interpreted as anthropomorphic figurine, dubbed as Venus III. The object was found in 1908 in layer 9 of the site Willendorf II, the same site as the Venus of Willendorf ...
3D model of Venus II from Willendorf
3D scan of an anthropomorphic figurine made of mammoth ivory, which is known since its discovery in 1926 as Venus II. The object was found at the same site as the Venus of Willendorf (NHMW-Prae 44.686).
3D model of a core from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 134 mm long core made from gray-green marl. In lithic production, cores are the starting points, from which all subsequent blanks (e.g. blades or flakes) are knapped off. It originated from layer 9 of the Willendorf ...
3D model of a double function tool from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 72 mm long double function tool made from blue-white patinated chert. This object features a scraper and a burin edge. The item originated from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site in the Wachau Region in Lower Austria. ...
3D model of a scraper from layer 8 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 70 mm long scraper on a blade made from gray quartz. Scrapers show one or two retouched concave working edges at an acute angle. They were used to skin animals, clean meat off hides or on wood. This scraper ...
3D model of a notched backed point from the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a 56 mm long notched backed point. Notched backed points were especially common during the Gravettian and were probably used as armoring for spears. The item is from the younger layer of the Willendorf I/North site in ...
3D model of a rib with decoration from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a rib with criss-cross decoration. The item originated from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site in the Wachau Region in Lower Austria.It constitutes one of the numerous artefacts found in the same site as the Venus of Willendorf.
3D model of a perforated fox tooth from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a perforated fox tooth. Teeth of carnivores such as fox, wolf, or even cave lions were frequently used as ornaments during the Upper Paleolithic. Further cut marks on fox bone in sites on the Swabian Alp and in Moravia ...
3D model of a piece of red ochre from layer 9 of the Willendorf II site
3D scan of a piece of red ochre. Red ochre was one of the available and used natural colors of the Stone Age. It was used in cave paintings, to color clothing and skins, as well as for burial rituals from the Middle Paleolithic ...
Supplementum to Pomberger, B. M./Mühlhans J./Grömer, K: Klingender Trachtschmuck aus dem eisenzeitlichen Gräberfeld Hallstatt. Soundtracks of 18 sounding jewellery of Hallstatt and 3 sounding jewellery of Serbia.
Soundtracks of 18 sounding jewellery of the Hallstatt cemetery, collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna - Prehistory Department and sound tracks of 3 sounding jewellery from Serbia from the collection of the Natural History ...
Chemical analyses of Hallstatt jewellery - Supplementum to Pomberger, B. M. - Mühlhans, J., - Grömer, K. "Klingender Trachtschmuck aus dem eisenzeitlicehn Gräberfeld Hallstatt. Analysen und Diskussion zu Funden aus dem Bestand der Prähistorischen Abteilung, NHM Wien.
Scanning electron analyses bronze sound objects/jewellry of the Hallstatt necropolis:
Pellet bell from grave 196
fibula of grave 551
ringpendant of grave 449
ringpendant of grave 890
Supplementum to Pomberger/Mühlhans/Saunderson/Mozgai/Bajnóczi 2022: Pellet bells and bells from the Avar Period in the Hungarian National Museum.
Sound recordings of the original pellet bells and bells from the Avar period kept in the collection of the Great Migration Period of the Hungarian national Museum Budapest.
Sound recordings of pellet bells and bells. Supplementum to Pomberger/Mülhans/Saunderson/Mozgai/Bajnóczi (2023): Pellet bells from the Avar and the Carolingian period in the Keszthely region.
Soundrecordings of original pellet bells and bells from the Avar and Carolingian Period kept in the Balaton Museum Keszthely, Hungary.
Sound recordings of Roman bells and Early Middle Age pellet bells and bells kept in the Savaria Museum Szombathely. Supplementum to Pomberger/Sánta/Mühlhans/Mozgai/Bajnóczi (2021), Roman bells and the Migration Period pellet bells from Vas County.
Sound recordings of the Roman bells and the Early Middle Ages pellet bells from Vás County, Hungary, kept in the Savaria Museum Szombathely.
Sound recordings of original pellet bells from Komárno, SK, cemeteries Komárno IX (Lodenica cemetery). Supplementum to Pomberger/Mühlhans/Saunderson/Grömer, Pellet bells from the Avar Age Cemeteris of Komárno.
Original sound recordings of pellet bells from Avar Age cemetery Komárno IX (Lodenica cemetery), graves 65, 86, 107.
Sound recordings of original Avar pellet bells and Roman bells, sites Bratislava-Devínska Nová Ves, Bratislava-Záhorská Bystica, Bratislava-Rusovce (Pri cintoríne, and Roman Gerulata), Vištuk, Komárno, Streda nad Bodrogom - Hradištná, Bratislava - Židovská ulica. Supplementum to Pomberger/Mühlhans/Saunderson (2022) Metallic Idiophones of the Early History Period from the Archaeological Collection of the Slovakian National Museum in Bratislava.
Sound recordings of original pellet bells and bells from the archaeological collection of the Slovak National Museum Bratislava, SK.
Sound recordings of Roman bells of Ovilava (Ancient Wels, AT). Supplementum to Pomberger/Hackl/Wegner/Mühlhans (2022) Ancient Bells from Ovilava/Wels – First Studies.
Sound recordings of original bells from Ovila, Roman Wels (AT
Dataset to: Neubauer et al. (2025): "Biogeographic patterns of modern benthic shallow-water mollusks are a function of temperature and paleogeographic legacy"
Biogeography dataset to "Biogeographic patterns of modern benthic shallow-water mollusks are a function of temperature and paleogeographic legacy" by Neubauer et al. (submitted)
Sound recordings of Roman bells and Avar pellet bells from Vindobona and Vienna. Supplementum to Pomberger/Mühlhans/Mehofer (2022) Von römischen Glocken und awarischen Schellen - Frühgeschichtliche Idiophone aus Wien.
Sound recordings of original Roman bells from Vindobona (ancient Vienna) and Avar pellet bells from the cemeteries Csokorgasse 1110 Wien and Wien-Liesing (1230 Wien).
Portable Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (p-RFA) - Qualitätskontrolle, Datenaufbereitung & Datenvisualisierung zur Masterarbeit von T. Truntschnig 'Keramikdeponierungen der Urnenfelderkultur in Österreich: Neue methodische Ansätze und interdisziplinäre Forschungen am Fallbeispiel Ebreichsdorf (NÖ, VB Baden)
Dieses Skript umfasst die Qualitätskontrolle, Datenaufbereitung sowie die Datenvisualisierung der portablen Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (p-RFA) von insgesamt 86 Proben der urnenfelderzeitlichen Fundstelle Ebreichsdorf (NÖ, Bezirk ...
Dataset: Datenbasis der grundlegenden Quellen zur Neubewertung der Funde und Fundzusammenhänge der Grabungen von Johann Georg Ramsauer im namengebenden Gräberfeld von Hallstatt der Jahre 1846–1863. (Stand: 15.12.2015)
Die vorliegende Excel-Tabelle ist eine digitale Sammlung grundlegender Quelleninformationen zu den Grabungen von Johann Georg Ramsauer im Gräberfeld Hallstatt der Jahre 1846–1863. Die Daten sind nicht redigiert, sind ein ...