Textile analyses and visiual materials on Avar pellet bells (FWF Project T 1136-G "Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe")

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57756/se61dq
Publication date: 01 Jun 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Resource type: Dataset
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
Tags: Idiophones Music archaeology Textile archaeology
  • Austria
  • Hungary
  • Slovakia
Chronology: Avar Period


29 textile fragments adhering on Avar pellet bells from cemeteries in Hungary (Halimba-Belátó-domb, Jánoshida, Keszthely, Kölked-Feketekapu, Pilismarót-Öregek-dűlő, Szob, Keszthely-Városi temető, Gyenesdiás), Slovakia (Devínska Nová Ves I; Komárno-Lodenice) and Austria (Zillingtal) were analysed and interpreted. Human skin, leather and a horse hair were found.

Usage Notes

Textile remains were analyzed using a digital microscope (DinoLite digital microscope), which allows magnifications between 30x and 250x.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
FWF Austrian Science Fund Hertha-Firnberg-Programm T 1136-G Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe


Pomberger, B. M., Mühlhans, J., Saunderson, K. & Grömer, K. (2021a) Pellet Bells from the Avarian Cemeteries of Komárno. Slovenska archeologia, 69(1), 99-131.

Pomberger, B. M., Mühlhans, J., Saunderson, K., Mozgai, V. & Bajnóczi, B. (2022) Pellet bells and bells from the Avar Period in the Hungarian National Museum. Archeometriai Műhely, 19(1), 57-90.

Pomberger B. M., Mühlhans, J. & Saunderson, K. (2022) Metallic idiophones of the Early History Period from the archaeological collection of the Slovakian National Museum in Bratislava. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea – Archeológia, 32, 355-378.

Pomberger, B. M., Mühlhans, J., Saunderson, K., Mozgai, V. & Bajnoczi, B. (2023) Pellet bells from the Avar and the Carolingian period in the Keszthely region. Archeometriai Műhely, 20(1), 37-64.


File Description Size
Horse_wearing_eight_pellet_bells_in_canter.mp4 Video of a horse wearing pellet bells in canter, video: Sigrun Saunderson (mp4 format) 45.16 MB
Horse_wearing_eight_pellet_bells_in_trot.mp4 Video of a horse wearing pellet bells in trot, video: Sigrun Saunderson (mp4 format) 39.97 MB
Recreation_of_an_Avar_period_sounding_costume_in_movement.mp4 Video of a horse wearing pellet bells in trot, video: Sigrun Saunderson (mp4 format) 18.38 MB
Repilia_1.jpg Replica of a female Avar costume, photo: Simon Dupper, model: Kayleigh Saunderson (jpeg format) 6.14 MB
Repilia_2.jpg Replica of a female Avar costume, photo: Simon Dupper, model: Kayleigh Saunderson (jpeg format) 5.67 MB
Repilia_3.jpg Replica of a female Avar costume, photo: Simon Dupper, model: Kayleigh Saunderson (jpeg format) 8.1 MB
Saunderson_K_2021_Textilanalyse_Avar_Period_Komarno-Lodenice.pdf Report "Textiles on Avar Period Pellet Bells from Komárno-Lodenice" (pdf format) 1.09 MB
Saunderson_K_2021_Textilanalyse_awarenzeitlichen_Schellen_Ungarischen_Nationalmuseum_Budapest.pdf Report "Textilien an awarenzeitlichen Schellen aus dem Ungarischen Nationalmuseum Budapest" (pdf format) 1.58 MB
Saunderson_K_2021_Textilanalyse_Devinska_Nova_Ves.pdf Report "Textil an einer Schelle von Devínska Nová Ves" (pdf format) 0.38 MB
Saunderson_K_2021_Textilanalyse_Zillingtal_NHM.pdf Report "Die Textilfunde von Zillingtal im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien" (pdf format) 0.52 MB
Saunderson_K_2022_Textilanalyse_awarenzeitliche_Schellen_Keszthely_Gyenes.pdf Report "Textilien auf awarenzeitlichen Schellen von Keszthely (Városi temetö) und Gyenesdiás" (pdf format) 1.02 MB