MicroCT (x-ray microcomputed tomography, YXLON FF35 CT) dataset of a southern three-banded armadillo or Azara's domed armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus) rolled fully up into a ball. The specimen is part of the mammal collection of the first zoological department of the Natural History Museum Vienna. This specimen was taxidermied in a standing position after the microCT scan.
Usage Notes
System: YXLON FF 35 CT
Beam: FXE Direct Beam
Detector: Perkin Elmer Y.Panel 4343 CT
Scan Parameters: 82 kV, 170 µA, 500 ms exposure time, 2340 projection images
Isotropic voxel size: 39.5 µm
Volume size: 2860 px × 2860 px × 2860 px
This specimen was used in a study on the inner ear (see "Publications") the segmented inner ear data is available here: https://osf.io/9mtwh/
Grunstra, N.D.S., Hollinetz, F., Bravo Morante, G. et al. Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear.
Nat Commun15, 7869 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-52180-1
Nicole D, Fabian Hollinetz, Guillermo B Morante, Frank Zachos, Cathrin
Pfaff, Viola Winkler, Philipp Mitteroecker, and Anne Le Maître. 2024.
“Data for ‘Convergent Evolution in Afrotheria and Non-Afrotherians
Demonstrates High Evolvability of the Mammalian Inner Ear.’” OSF. August
28. osf.io/9mtwh.
MicroCT dataset of Tolypeutes matacus, includes RAW dataset as well as metadata files (ScanInfo and ReconInfo)
33922.27 MB
3D visualization based on a segmentation based on this dataset to visualize the armoured shell and skeleton (segmentation not included in this dataset).Virtual section through the dataset of Tolypeutes matacus3D volume rendering of the skeleton of Tolypeutes matacus based on this microCT dataset 3D volume rendering of the skelton of Tolypeutes matacus based on this microCT dataset3D volume rendering of the skelton of Tolypeutes matacus based on this microCT dataset3D volume rendering of the skeleton of Tolypeutes matacus based on this microCT dataset 3D volume rendering of the skelton of Tolypeutes matacus based on this microCT dataset