MicroCT (x-ray microcomputed tomography, YXLON FF35 CT) dataset of a southern three-banded armadillo or Azara's domed armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus) rolled fully up into a ball. The specimen is part of the mammal collection of the first zoological department of the Natural History Museum Vienna. This specimen was taxidermied in a standing position after the microCT scan.
Usage Notes
System: YXLON FF 35 CT
Beam: FXE Direct Beam
Detector: Perkin Elmer Y.Panel 4343 CT
Scan Parameters: 82 kV, 170 µA, 500 ms exposure time, 2340 projection images
Isotropic voxel size: 39.5 µm
Volume size: 2860 px × 2860 px × 2860 px
This specimen was used in a study on the inner ear (see "Publications") the segmented inner ear data is available here: https://osf.io/9mtwh/
Grunstra, N.D.S., Hollinetz, F., Bravo Morante, G. et al. Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear.
Nat Commun15, 7869 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-52180-1
Nicole D, Fabian Hollinetz, Guillermo B Morante, Frank Zachos, Cathrin
Pfaff, Viola Winkler, Philipp Mitteroecker, and Anne Le Maître. 2024.
“Data for ‘Convergent Evolution in Afrotheria and Non-Afrotherians
Demonstrates High Evolvability of the Mammalian Inner Ear.’” OSF. August
28. osf.io/9mtwh.