3D models of collecting boxes

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57756/fp6y1b
  • Forsthuber Pauline
Publication date: 30 Jun 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Archive for the history of science
Instrument: Artec Space Spider
Resource type: Dataset
License: CC BY-NC
CC BY-NC 4.0 International
Tags: 3d model 3dscan 3dscanning Butterflies Caterpillar Entomology Insect Tools Zoology
  • Europe


3D scans of collecting boxes for caterpillars, millipedes and insect larvae. The boxes were made in various materials ranging from simple cardboard, to wood and metal. Despite being made of different materials, they share some similarities such as a removable lid with a larger opening that is covered with fine wire nettings to allow air circulation. Collecting boxes are used to collect life animals and care is taken to ensure that the caught specimens are neither being hurt nor damaged.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
BMKÖS – Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport Kulturerbe digital Bausteine des Wissens: das Naturhistorische Museum öffnet seine Sammlungen - Sneak-Preview in 270 Ja


File Description Size
NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0004_3D.zip Low and high resolution 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0004) 12.95 MB
NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0005_3D.zip Low and high resolution 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0005) 20.04 MB
NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0006_3D.zip Low and high resolution 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0006) 34.94 MB
NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0007_3D.zip Low and high resolution 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0007) 15.75 MB
NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0008_3D.zip Low and high resolution 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0008) 18.23 MB
NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0009_3D.zip Low and high resolution 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0009) 50.56 MB



Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0004)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0004)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0005)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0005)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0006)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0006)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0007)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0007)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0008)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0008)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0009)
Picture of 3D model of a collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0009)

Collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0004)

Collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0005)

Collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0006)

Collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0007)

Collecting box (NHMW-ZOO-LEP-OBJ-0008)