Dataset to: Miller et al. (2023): "New Decapoda (Brachyura) from the Paleocene Kambühel Formation, Austria"

Publication date: 30 Apr 2023
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Geology & Palaeontology
Resource type: Text
Specimen: NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0001, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0002, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0003, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0004, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0005, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0006, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0007, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0008, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0009, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0010, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0011, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0012, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0013, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0014, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0015, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0016, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0017, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0018, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0019, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0020, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0021, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0022, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0023, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0024, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0025, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0026, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0027, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0028, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0029, NHMW-GEO-2022-0289-0030, NHMW-GEO-2023-0078-0001
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
Tags: Brachyura Decapoda Kambühel formation
  • Austria
Chronology: Paleocene
Taxa: Crustacea


New brachyuran species from the ?Selandian to Thanetian units of the Kambühel Formation include Dromiopsis bullamelga, Dromiopsis aedicula, and Braggicarpilius wanzenboecki. Four previously named brachyuran species are also present. Carpiliidae is both the only extant family present and the only family represented in the Kambühel Formation to originate after the end-Cretaceous. Half of the genera present in the Kambühel Formation (Dromiopsis, Caloxanthus, and Titanocarcinus) survived the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event, and all of the surviving genera originated during the Cretaceous. All of the identified species originated in the Paleocene. 87.5% of species and 95% of individual specimens found by two of us (RMF, CES) in one day of collecting at Fakse Quarry are podotrematous, while 80% of species and 46% of individual specimens found in the Kambühel Formation are podotrematous. The specimens from the Kambühel Formation suggest that by late Paleocene time, biomass of the heterotremes surpassed that of the podotremes.


Miller, J.B., Schweitzer, C.E. & Feldmann, R.M. (2023): New Decapoda (Brachyura) from the Paleocene Kambühel Formation, Austria. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 124: 125-148.


File Description Size
ANA-124-6_Miller_Type-Specimens.csv List of specimens studied by Miller et al. (CSV format) 0.01 MB
ANA-124-6_Miller_Type-Specimens.xlsx List of specimens studies by Miller et al. (MS Excel format) 0.01 MB