Dataset to: Yost et al. (2023): "New Decapoda (Anomura) from the Paleocene Kambühel Formation, Austria"

Publication date: 30 Apr 2023
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Geology & Palaeontology
Resource type: Text
Specimen: NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0001, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0002, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0003, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0004, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0005, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0006, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0007, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0008, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0009, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0010, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0011, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0012, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0013, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0014, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0015, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0016, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0017, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0018, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0019, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0020, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0021, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0022, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0023, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0024, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0025, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0026, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0027, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0028, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0029, NHMW-GEO-2019-0042-0030, NHMW-GEO-2023-0078-0002, NHMW-GEO-2023-0078-0003
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
Tags: Brachyura Decapoda Kambühel formation
  • Austria
Chronology: Paleocene
Taxa: Crustacea


New decapod crustaceans from ?Selandian to Thanetian strata of the Kambühel Formation, Austria, include the paguroid Squamipelta insecta new genus and species, and two new galatheoid species, Protomunida kambuehelensis and Annieporcellana paleocenica. The range of Annieporcellana is extended across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Selandian and Thanetian decapod occurrences are rare; thus, this report adds to the known decapod diversity in the recovery after the end-Cretaceous events.


Yost, S., Feldmann, R.M. & Schweitzer, C.E. (2023): New Decapoda (Anomura) from the Paleocene Kambühel Formation, Austria. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, 124: 149-166.


File Description Size
ANA-124-7_Yost_Type-Specimens.csv List of specimens studied by Yost et al. (CSV format) 0.01 MB
ANA-124-7_Yost_Type-Specimens.xlsx List of specimens studied by Yost et al. (MS Excel format) 0.01 MB