Sound recordings of Roman bells and Avar pellet bells from Vindobona and Vienna. Supplementum to Pomberger/Mühlhans/Mehofer (2022) Von römischen Glocken und awarischen Schellen - Frühgeschichtliche Idiophone aus Wien.
DOI: | |
Creator(s): |
Publication date: | 01 Dec 2024 |
Publisher: | Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW) |
Collections: | Prehistory |
Resource type: | Sound |
Specimen: | MV 16262_4, MV 41.660_10, MV 41.660_9, MV 41.660_8, MV 41.650_57, MV 41.281_2, MV 16.262_3, MV 75.475_1, MV 25.169_1163, MV 47.444, MV 9.950_4 |
License: |
CC BY 4.0 International |
Tags: | Acoustics Akustik Avars Awaren Bells Child Dog Early middle ages Frühmittelalter Glocken Horse bridle Horseman Hund Kind Metallic idiophones Muscial instruments Musicarchaeology Musikarchäologie Naturhistorisches museum wien Original sound Pellet bells Pferdezaum Psychoacoustics Reiter Roman period Römische kaierzeit Schellen Sound objects Vienna Vindobona Wien Wien museum |
Countries: |
Chronology: | Roman, Early Middle Ages |
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Sound recordings of original Roman bells from Vindobona (ancient Vienna) and Avar pellet bells from the cemeteries Csokorgasse 1110 Wien and Wien-Liesing (1230 Wien).
Agency | Program | Proj. Id | Proj. Title | FWF Austrian Science Fund | Hertha-Firnberg-Programm | T 1136-G | Metallic idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe |
Pomberger, B. M.; Mühlhans, J. & Mehofer, M. (2022) Von römischen Glocken und awarischen Schellen _ Frühgeschichtliche Idiophone aus Wien. Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu Slovenskej akadémie vied 69 (2), 355-406.
File | Description | Size |
bell_RK_MV25.169_1163_Michaelerplatz.mp3 | sound of original bell MV 25.169-1163 Michaelerplatz | 0.16 MB |
bell_RK_MV47.444_Favoritenstrasse.mp3 | sound of original bell MV 47.444 Favoritenstraße | 0.07 MB |
bell_RK_MV75.475_1_Am_Hof_10.MP3 | sound of original bell MV 75.475-1 Am Hof 10 | 0.14 MB |
bell_RK_MV9.950_4_Triesterstrasse_Phillipswerk.mp3 | sound of original bell MV 9.950-4 Triesterstraße Phillpswerk | 0.12 MB |
pellet_bell_MV16.262_3_Liesing_Grab_8.MP3 | sound of orginal pellet bell grave 8 Wien-Liesing | 0.1 MB |
pellet_bell_MV16262_4_Liesing_Grab_6.MP3 | sound of original pellet bell grave 6, Wien-Liesing | 0.11 MB |
pellet_bell_MV41.281_2_Csokorgasse_Grab_281.MP3 | sound of original pellet bells grave 281 Csokorgasse | 0.14 MB |
pellet_bell_MV41.650_57_Csokorgasse_Grab_650.MP3 | sound of original pellet bell grave 650 Csokorgasse | 0.12 MB |
pellet_bell_MV41.660_10_Csokorgasse_Grab_660.MP3 | sound of original pellet bell (10) grave 660, Csokorgasse | 0.12 MB |
pellet_bell_MV41.660_8_Csokorgasse_Grab_660.MP3 | sound of original pellet bell (8) grave 660, Csokorgasse | 0.14 MB |
pellet_bell_MV41.660_9_Csokorgasse_Grab_660.MP3 | sound of original pellet bell (9) grave 660 Csokorgasse | 0.18 MB |
Recording_all_pellet_bells_bells_Wien_Museum.mp3 | sound of original bells and pellet bells from Vienna | 9.66 MB |