Sound recordings of original Avar pellet bells and Roman bells, sites Bratislava-Devínska Nová Ves, Bratislava-Záhorská Bystica, Bratislava-Rusovce (Pri cintoríne, and Roman Gerulata), Vištuk, Komárno, Streda nad Bodrogom - Hradištná, Bratislava - Židovská ulica. Supplementum to Pomberger/Mühlhans/Saunderson (2022) Metallic Idiophones of the Early History Period from the Archaeological Collection of the Slovakian National Museum in Bratislava.

Publication date: 01 Dec 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Resource type: Sound
Specimen: SNMB-AP000982, SNMB-AP000926, SNMB-AP000501, SNMB-AP000482, SNMB-AP021001, SNMB-AP021002, SNMB-AP12438, SNMB-HF23165, SNMB-AP13771, SNMB-AP9445, SNMB-AP76204, SNMB-AP32157
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
  • Slovakia
Chronology: Roman, Early Middle Ages


Sound recordings of original pellet bells and bells from the archaeological collection of the Slovak National Museum Bratislava, SK.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
FWF Austrian Science Fund Hertha-Firnberg-Programm T 1136-G Metallic idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe


Pomberger, B. M.; Mühlhans, J. & Saunderson, K. (2022) Metallic Idiophones of the Early History Period from the  Archaeological Collection of the Slovakian National Museum in Bratislava, Zborník Slovenského národného múzea CXVI, Archeológia 32, 2022, 355–378.


File Description Size
bell_Bratislava_Rusovce_AP9445.MP3 sound of original bell Bratislava Rusovce 0.24 MB
bell_Komarno_AP13771.MP3 sound of original bell Komarno 0.51 MB
bell_Streda_nad_Bodrogom_AP32157.MP3 sound of original bell of Streda nad Bodrogom 0.26 MB
bell_Vistuk_AP76204.MP3 sound of original bell of Vistuk 0.26 MB
bell_Zidovska_ulica_Bratislava_HF23165.MP3 sound of original bell from Zidovska ulica Bratislava 0.21 MB
pellet_bell_grave_166_Zahorska_Bystrica.MP3 sound of original pellet bell grave 166 Zahorska Bystrica 0.19 MB
pellet_bell_grave_34_Bratislava_Rusovce_AP021001.MP3 sound of original pellet bell 1, grave 34, Bratislava Rusovce 0.21 MB
pellet_bell_grave_34_Bratislava_Rusovce_AP21002.MP3 sound of original pellet bell 2, grave 34, Bratislava Rusovce 0.16 MB
pellet_bell_grave_401_Devinska_Nova_Ves.MP3 sound of original pellet bell, grave 401, Bratislava Devinska nova ves 0.16 MB
pellet_bell_grave_412_Devinska_Nova_Ves.MP3 sound of original pellet bell, grave 412, Bratislava Devinska nova ves 0.21 MB
pellet_bell_grave_765_Devinska_Nova_Ves.MP3 sound of original pellet bell, grave 765, Bratislava Devinska nova ves 0.13 MB
pellet_bell_grave_804_Devinska_Nova_Ves.MP3 sound of original pellet bell, grave 804, Bratislava Devinska nova ves 0.13 MB