Sound recordings of original pellet bells from Komárno, SK, cemeteries Komárno IX (Lodenica cemetery). Supplementum to Pomberger/Mühlhans/Saunderson/Grömer, Pellet bells from the Avar Age Cemeteris of Komárno.

Publication date: 11 Feb 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Resource type: Sound
Specimen: PMK-A5813d, PMK-A5813c, PMK-A5813b, PMK-A5813a, PMK-A638, PMK-A397, PMK-A396
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
Tags: Amulet Avars Cemetery Early middle ages Grave-good Horse bridle Magic Magie Metallic idiophones Muscial instruments Music archaeology Musicarchaeology Musikarchäologie Natural history collection Naturhistorisches museum wien Original sound Pellet bells Pferdezaum Prähistorische abteilung Psychoacoustics Psychology of music Sound objects
  • Slovakia
Chronology: Early Middle Ages


Original sound recordings of pellet bells from Avar Age cemetery Komárno IX (Lodenica cemetery), graves 65, 86, 107.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
FWF Austrian Science Fund Hertha-Firnberg-Programm T 1136-G Metallic idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe


Pomberger, B. M.; Mühlhans, J.; Saunderson, K. & Grömer, K. (2021) Pellet Bells from the Avar Age Cemeteries of Komárno

Slovenská archeológia LXIX (1) (2021), 99-131. Doi:

Pomberger, B. M.  & Mühlhans, J. (2021) A komárom-hajógyári temető 107. sírjának csörgői.

Iuxta Danubium No. 17 (2021) 148-157.


File Description Size
pellet_bell_grave_107_A5813a.mp3 original sound of pellet bell A5813a, grave 107 0.14 MB
pellet_bell_grave_107_A5813b.mp3 original sound of pellet bell A5813b, grave 107 0.13 MB
pellet_bell_grave_107_A5813c.mp3 original sound of pellet bell A5813c, grave 107 0.1 MB
pellet_bell_grave_107_A5813d.mp3 original sound of pellet bell A5813d, grave 107 0.1 MB
pellet_bell_grave_65_A5396.mp3 original sound of pellet bell A5396, grave 65 0.23 MB
pellet_bell_grave_65_A5397.mp3 original sound of pellet bell A5397, grave 65 0.13 MB
pellet_bell_grave_86_A5638.mp3 original sound of pellet bell A5683, grave 86 0.16 MB