3D models of parts of a set of fittings of Hauskirchen grave 13

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57756/2czgkt
Publication date: 30 Jul 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Instrument: Artec Space Spider
Resource type: Dataset
Specimen: NHMW-PRAE-81.279, NHMW-PRAE-81.286, NHMW-PRAE-81.275, NHMW-PRAE-81.274, NHMW-PRAE-81.273
License: CC BY-NC
CC BY-NC 4.0 International
Tags: 3d model 3dscan 3dscanning Bitem Bronze Fittings Hauskirchen Strap-buckle
Countries: Europe
Chronology: Prehistory


3D scans of parts of a set of fittings from Hauskirchen grave 13, the grave of a 25- to 30-year-old woman. The objects belonged to an abundant assemblage of functional and/or ornamental fittings of two horse harnesses and bridles. Originally, two horses had been buried in this grave, together with the woman and her richly furnished grave.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
Austrian Academy of Sciences go!digital 3.0 GD3.0_2021-17_bITEM Beyond the Item: Biographies and Itineraries of Cultural Heritage Objects in Museums and beyond


File Description Size
NHMW-PRAE-81273.zip 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.273) 15.46 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81274.zip 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.274) 15.45 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81275.zip 3D model of a rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.275) 12.42 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81279.zip 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.279) 2.17 MB
NHMW-PRAE-81286.zip 3D model of a rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.286) 13.57 MB



Picture of 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.273)
Picture of 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.273)
Picture of 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.274)
Picture of 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.274)
Picture of 3D model of a rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.275)
Picture of 3D model of a rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.275)
Picture of 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.279)
Picture of 3D model of a bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.279)
Picture of 3D model of a rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.286)
Picture of 3D model of a rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.286)

Bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.273)

Bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.274)

Rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.275)

Rectangular strap-end fitting (NHMW-PRAE 81.275)

Bronze strap-buckle (NHMW-PRAE 81.279)